6 years ago | |
controller | 6 years ago | |
public_html | 6 years ago | |
system | 6 years ago | |
view/default | 6 years ago | |
.gitignore | 6 years ago | |
LICENSE | 6 years ago | |
README.md | 6 years ago | |
config.php | 6 years ago |
A super easy PHP Framework for web development!
- PHP 5.3+
- OPCache PHP Extension
- HTTP Web Server (Apache 2.4+ recomended)
Folder | Description |
Controller | Contains the structure and files of controllers code |
Model | Contais directories and files for the model code |
View | Contains the template files |
Cache | Full writable default cache storage |
public_html | Contains the index.php and .htaccess Apache file. All your access public files stay here, like CSS, JavaScript, etc. |
System | Most important folder of this framework. Contains the libraries, classes and anothers features to improve correct working for the Web App. |
Logs | Contais debug and error logs |
config.php | File with contains all basic configurations for the Web App, like DB connection, mail config, directory config, etc. |
Get started!
Copy or clone this repository in your computer/server and edit the config.php file. See below the Config File Basic Options.
Hello World! sample
This is a simple Hello World! for this framework.
- In controller folder, create a folder called common and create a file called home.php.
- Edit controller/common/home.php like that.
class ControllerCommonHome extends Controller {
public function index() {
$this->data['variable'] = "Hello World!";
- Now create a folder insede view called default and a subfolder called common and a file home.twig.
- Edit the view/default/common/home.twig like this.
<h1>{{ variable }}</h1>
- Edit the constants HTTP_URL and DIR_APPLICATION in file config.php. Edit others DIR_* constants path if necessary.
define('HTTP_URL', 'http://phacil.local/');
define('HTTPS_URL', HTTP_URL);
define('USE_DB_CONFIG', false);
define('DEBUG', true);
$configs = array('PatternSiteTitle'=>' - ExacTI phacil',
'config_error_display' => 1,
'config_template' => "default",
'config_error_filename'=> 'error.log');
//App folders
define('DIR_APPLICATION', '/Applications/MAMP/htdocs/phacil/');
define('DIR_LOGS', DIR_APPLICATION.'logs/');
define('DIR_PUBLIC', DIR_APPLICATION.'public_html/');
define('DIR_SYSTEM', DIR_APPLICATION.'system/');
define('DIR_IMAGE', DIR_APPLICATION.'public_html/imagens/');
define('DIR_CACHE', DIR_APPLICATION.'cache/');
- Access your web app in your favorite browser and enjoy this magnific Hello World!
All routes are a mapping class with extends the primary Controller class. In a simple term, the class name in controller is ControllerFolderFilename.
class ControllerFolderFile extends Controller { }
The public function named index()
is a default function to generate the page.
public function index() { }
Array $this->data
receives in array format the variables to send to template, in this sample called variable with the string Hello World!.
In the last we finish with a simple $this->out();
to indicate the output and process template file. It's a automated mechanism to link this controller with the respective viewer.
The viewer in this sample is a twig template format (Twig page). ExacTI Phacil Framework permits to use varius PHP template engines, like Twig, Mustache, Dwoo and Smarty.
Config file Parameters
A simple description of default constants configurations in config.php file.
Constant | Type | Description | Required |
HTTP_URL | string | Contains the URL for this WEB APP | Yes |
HTTPS_URL | string | Same this HTTP_URL, but in SSL format | |
HTTP_IMAGE | string | The image URL | |
CDN | string | CDN URL to use for static content | |
DB_CONFIG | boolean | Permit to use configurations direct in database. Requires database instalattion. Values: true or false. | Yes |
DEBUG | boolean | Indicate the debug mode. | Yes |
$configs |
array | No-SQL configs | |
DIR_APPLICATION | string | Absolute path to application folder | Yes |
DIR_LOGS | string | Path to log folder | |
DIR_PUBLIC | string | Path to the public folder. This directory is a directory to configure in your HTTP server. | Yes |
DIR_SYSTEM | string | System directory | Yes |
DIR_IMAGE | string | Directory to store images used by Image library. | |
DIR_TEMPLATE | string | Directory with templates folder | Yes |
DIR_CACHE | string | Directory to storage the generated caches. | Yes |
DB_DRIVER | string | Driver to connect a database source | |
DB_HOSTNAME | string | Database host | |
DB_USERNAME | string | Username to connect a database | |
DB_PASSWORD | string | Database password | |
DB_DATABASE | string | Database name | |
SQL_CACHE | boolean | Use the SQL Select cache system |
Template Engines Support
This framework supports this PHP templates engines:
To use a determined template engine, just create a file with name of engine in extension, for sample, if you like to use a Twig, the template file is demo.twig, if desire the Mustache template, use demo.mustache extension file. The ExacTI Phacil Framework allows to use varius template engines in the same project.
Easy made functions
This framework is very focused in agile, secutiry and reutilizable code in PHP. Contains a very utily functions we see in the next section.
To execute a query:
$variable = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM mundo");
Withou SQL Cache (if enabled):
$variable = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM mundo", false);
Escape values to more security (no SQL injection issue):
To get this rows:
Get one row: $variable->row
Number of rows: $variable->num_rows
class ModelDemoSample extends Model {
public $data = array();
public function dataSample ($code) {
$variable = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM settings WHERE code = '". $this->db->escape($code). "'");
$this->data['rows'] = $variable->rows;
$this->data['totalRecords'] = $variable->num_rows;
return $this->data;
Document easy made
Use the especial Document class to manipulate easily informations about your final HTML.
To call a document class, use $this->document
inside Controller.
To add a CSS: $this->document->addStyle($href, $rel = 'stylesheet', $media = 'screen', $minify = true)
To add a JavaScript: $this->document->addScript($script, $sort = '0', $minify = true)
Facebook Metatag: $this->document->addFBMeta($property, $content = '')
Document HTML Title: $this->document->setTitle($title)
Page description: $this->document->setDescription($description)
class ControllerCommonHome extends Controller {
public function index() {
Classes and functions
This framework have a lot of utilities and accepts much more in system folder with autoload format.
To show all classes
Execute a Classes() class in one Controller.
$cla = new Classes();
To show all classes and functions registereds
Execute a Classes() class and call functions() in one Controller.
$cla = new Classes('HTML');
Note: The HTML parameter is the output in HTML style. Is optional.
In this framework, loaders is a simple way to get resources to use in your PHP code. Is very intuitive and requirew few steps.
For sample, to load a model, is just $this->load->model('folder/file');
and to use is $this->model_folder_file->object();
, like this sample:
class ControllerSampleUse extends Controller {
public function index() {
$this->data['totalData'] = $this->model_data_json->total();
You can use loaders to:
- Controllers;
- Models;
- Librarys;
- Configs;
- Databases;
- Languages.
This framework is totally MVC (Model, View and Controller) based. The models is just like the controllers and uses the same structure, with a different folder.
To create a model, put in the models folder a directory and file with the code.
class ModelFolderFile extends Model {
public function SayMyName() {
return "Heisenberg";
In same cases we need to add a __construct in a class to better code practices. To call a constructs in controllers and models, use:
public function __construct($registry)
Requests and Sessions
To use a magic request system, you just need to call a $this->request
method. For sample, to obtain a POST value, use $this->request->post['field']
to get the post value with security.
For a $_SERVER predefined variables, use $this->request->server['VALUE']
and $this->request->get() for $_GET values.
The advantages to use this requests instead the predefined variables of PHP is more the more security, upgradable and unicode values.
Sessions is a little different method, you can define and use with $this->session->data['name']
Special controller parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
$this->template |
string | Specify manualy the path to template |
$this->twig |
array | Create Twig aditional functions. Eg.: $this->twig = array('base64' => function($str) { return base64_encode($str); }); |
$this->children |
array | Load in variable other renders of web app. Th childrens footer and header is default loaded when uses $this->out() output. To load without this defaults childrens, use $this->out(false) . |
$this->redirect($url) |
string | Create a header to redirect to another page. |
The ExacTI Phacil Framework is a simple router base to create a simple and consistent web navigation.
Withou SEO URL, we invoke a page with route get parameter when contains a scheme folder/file of controller, like this: http://example.com/index.php?route=folder/file.
In a sample case, we have this controller:
class ControllerFolderFile extends Controller {
public function index() {
echo "Index";
public function another() {
echo $this->foo($this->request->get['p']);
private function foo($parameter) {
return ($parameter != 0) ? "another" : "other";
If we access index.php?route=folder/file we see the "Index" message. But, like a tree, if we access index.php?route=folder/file/another obtains the another function code, with "other" message.
Multiple Get parameters is simple and we can define normaly, eg.: index.php?route=folder/file/another&p=2 to print "another" message.
Private and protected functions is only for internal use, if we tried to access index.php?route=folder/file/foo, the framework return 404 HTTP error.
If you need a beautiful URL for SEO or other optimizations, you can use the url_alias database table. Is very simple and "translate" the routes in URL.
Imagine this SQL table called url_alias:
url_alias_id | query | get | keyword |
1 | contact/contato | contact | |
2 | webservice/sitemap | sitemap |
With the url_alias, the access to route http://example.com/index.php?route=contact/contato and http://example.com/contact is the same!(and very prety!).
We have a function to create a strict and dinamic links automatic: $this->url->link($route, $args = '', $connection = 'NONSSL')
. Is a simple function to generate internal links with correct URL encode.
In sample of this table above, if we have this code:
echo $this->url->link('contact/contato');
We get this URL in output: http://example.com/contact
But if you don't have a route in url_alias table, returns the complete route.
echo $this->url->link('catalog/products');
Return this URL in output: http://example.com/index.php?route=catalog/products
With extra GET paramethers:
$fields = array('foo' => 'bar');
echo $this->url->link('contact/contato', $fields);
echo $this->url->link('contact/contato/place', $fields);
We get this URL in output with GET paramethers:
This project is manteined for ExacTI IT Solutions with GPLv3 license.