
 * TplFunction Runtime Methods callTemplateFunction
 * @package    Smarty
 * @subpackage PluginsInternal
 * @author     Uwe Tews
class Smarty_Internal_Runtime_TplFunction
     * Call template function
     * @param \Smarty_Internal_Template $tpl     template object
     * @param string                    $name    template function name
     * @param array                     $params  parameter array
     * @param bool                      $nocache true if called nocache
     * @throws \SmartyException
    public function callTemplateFunction(Smarty_Internal_Template $tpl, $name, $params, $nocache)
        $funcParam = isset($tpl->tplFunctions[ $name ]) ? $tpl->tplFunctions[ $name ] :
            (isset($tpl->smarty->tplFunctions[ $name ]) ? $tpl->smarty->tplFunctions[ $name ] : null);
        if (isset($funcParam)) {
            if (!$tpl->caching || ($tpl->caching && $nocache)) {
                $function = $funcParam[ 'call_name' ];
            } else {
                if (isset($funcParam[ 'call_name_caching' ])) {
                    $function = $funcParam[ 'call_name_caching' ];
                } else {
                    $function = $funcParam[ 'call_name' ];
            if (function_exists($function)) {
                $this->saveTemplateVariables($tpl, $name);
                $function($tpl, $params);
                $this->restoreTemplateVariables($tpl, $name);
            // try to load template function dynamically
            if ($this->addTplFuncToCache($tpl, $name, $function)) {
                $this->saveTemplateVariables($tpl, $name);
                $function($tpl, $params);
                $this->restoreTemplateVariables($tpl, $name);
        throw new SmartyException("Unable to find template function '{$name}'");

     * Register template functions defined by template
     * @param \Smarty|\Smarty_Internal_Template|\Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase $obj
     * @param array                                                           $tplFunctions source information array of
     *                                                                                      template functions defined
     *                                                                                      in template
     * @param bool                                                            $override     if true replace existing
     *                                                                                      functions with same name
    public function registerTplFunctions(Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase $obj, $tplFunctions, $override = true)
        $obj->tplFunctions =
            $override ? array_merge($obj->tplFunctions, $tplFunctions) : array_merge($tplFunctions, $obj->tplFunctions);
        // make sure that the template functions are known in parent templates
        if ($obj->_isSubTpl()) {
            $obj->smarty->ext->_tplFunction->registerTplFunctions($obj->parent, $tplFunctions, false);
        } else {
            $obj->smarty->tplFunctions = $override ? array_merge($obj->smarty->tplFunctions, $tplFunctions) :
                array_merge($tplFunctions, $obj->smarty->tplFunctions);

     * Return source parameter array for single or all template functions
     * @param \Smarty_Internal_Template $tpl  template object
     * @param null|string               $name template function name
     * @return array|bool|mixed
    public function getTplFunction(Smarty_Internal_Template $tpl, $name = null)
        if (isset($name)) {
            return isset($tpl->tplFunctions[ $name ]) ? $tpl->tplFunctions[ $name ] :
                (isset($tpl->smarty->tplFunctions[ $name ]) ? $tpl->smarty->tplFunctions[ $name ] : false);
        } else {
            return empty($tpl->tplFunctions) ? $tpl->smarty->tplFunctions : $tpl->tplFunctions;

     * Add template function to cache file for nocache calls
     * @param Smarty_Internal_Template $tpl
     * @param string                   $_name     template function name
     * @param string                   $_function PHP function name
     * @return bool
    public function addTplFuncToCache(Smarty_Internal_Template $tpl, $_name, $_function)
        $funcParam = $tpl->tplFunctions[ $_name ];
        if (is_file($funcParam[ 'compiled_filepath' ])) {
            // read compiled file
            $code = file_get_contents($funcParam[ 'compiled_filepath' ]);
            // grab template function
            if (preg_match("/\/\* {$_function} \*\/([\S\s]*?)\/\*\/ {$_function} \*\//", $code, $match)) {
                // grab source info from file dependency
                preg_match("/\s*'{$funcParam['uid']}'([\S\s]*?)\),/", $code, $match1);
                // make PHP function known
                eval($match[ 0 ]);
                if (function_exists($_function)) {
                    // search cache file template
                    $tplPtr = $tpl;
                    while (!isset($tplPtr->cached) && isset($tplPtr->parent)) {
                        $tplPtr = $tplPtr->parent;
                    // add template function code to cache file
                    if (isset($tplPtr->cached)) {
                        $content = $tplPtr->cached->read($tplPtr);
                        if ($content) {
                            // check if we must update file dependency
                            if (!preg_match("/'{$funcParam['uid']}'(.*?)'nocache_hash'/", $content, $match2)) {
                                $content = preg_replace("/('file_dependency'(.*?)\()/", "\\1{$match1[0]}", $content);
                                preg_replace('/\s*\?>\s*$/', "\n", $content) .
                                "\n" . preg_replace(
                                    $match[ 0 ]
                    return true;
        return false;

     * Save current template variables on stack
     * @param \Smarty_Internal_Template $tpl
     * @param string                    $name stack name
    public function saveTemplateVariables(Smarty_Internal_Template $tpl, $name)
        $tpl->_cache[ 'varStack' ][] =
            array('tpl' => $tpl->tpl_vars, 'config' => $tpl->config_vars, 'name' => "_tplFunction_{$name}");

     * Restore saved variables into template objects
     * @param \Smarty_Internal_Template $tpl
     * @param string                    $name stack name
    public function restoreTemplateVariables(Smarty_Internal_Template $tpl, $name)
        if (isset($tpl->_cache[ 'varStack' ])) {
            $vars = array_pop($tpl->_cache[ 'varStack' ]);
            $tpl->tpl_vars = $vars[ 'tpl' ];
            $tpl->config_vars = $vars[ 'config' ];