<?php /* * Copyright © 2021 ExacTI Technology Solutions. All rights reserved. * GPLv3 General License. * https://exacti.com.br * Phacil PHP Framework - https://github.com/exacti/phacil-framework */ namespace Phacil\Framework; /** * The Request class with escaped values. * * @package Phacil\Framework * @since 1.0.0 */ final class Request { /** * @deprecated since version 2.0, to be removed in 3.0. * @var array|string */ public $get = array(); /** * @deprecated since version 2.0, to be removed in 3.0. * @var array|string */ public $post = array(); /** * @deprecated since version 2.0, to be removed in 3.0. * @var array|string */ public $cookie = array(); /** * @deprecated since version 2.0, to be removed in 3.0. * @var array|string */ public $files = array(); /** * @deprecated since version 2.0, to be removed in 3.0. * @var array|string */ public $server = array(); /** * @deprecated since version 2.0, to be removed in 3.0. * @var array|string */ public $request = []; /** * @deprecated since version 2.0, to be removed in 3.0. * @var array|string|false */ public $method; /** * * @var array|string */ static protected $_GET = []; /** * * @var array|string */ static protected $_POST = []; /** * * @var array|string */ static protected $_REQUEST = []; /** * * @var array|string */ static protected $_COOKIE = []; /** * * @var array|string */ static protected $_FILES = []; /** * * @var array|string */ static protected $_SERVER = []; /** * * @var array|string */ static protected $_HEADERS = []; /** * * @var string|false */ static protected $_METHOD; /** @return void */ public function __construct() { self::$_GET = $this->clean($_GET); self::$_POST = $this->clean($_POST); self::$_REQUEST = $this->clean($_REQUEST); self::$_COOKIE = $this->clean($_COOKIE); self::$_FILES = $this->clean($_FILES); self::$_SERVER = $this->clean($_SERVER); self::$_HEADERS = $this->clean(getallheaders()); self::$_METHOD = (isset(self::$_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'])) ? $this->clean(self::$_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) : false; $this->get =& self::$_GET; $this->post =& self::$_POST; $this->request =& self::$_REQUEST; $this->cookie =& self::$_COOKIE; $this->files =& self::$_FILES; $this->server =& self::$_SERVER; $this->method =& self::$_METHOD; } /** * @param string|array $data * @return array|string * * @since 1.0.0 */ static public function clean($data) { if (is_array($data)) { foreach ($data as $key => $value) { unset($data[$key]); $data[self::clean($key)] = self::clean($value); } } else { $data = (gettype($data) == 'string') ? trim(htmlspecialchars($data, ENT_COMPAT)) : $data; } return $data; } /** * Return POST values from $_POST or $_FILES. * * @param string $key (Optional) If null return all values. * @param mixed $value (Optional) If not null, set the value for this key. * @return mixed * * @since 2.0.0 */ static public function POST($key = null, $value = null){ if($value !== null) self::$_POST[$key] = $value; return $key ? (isset(self::$_POST[$key]) ? self::$_POST[$key] : null) : self::$_POST; } /** * Return php://input from POST or PUT requests. * * @param string $key (optional) * @return string|array * * @since 2.0.0 */ static public function INPUT($key = null){ if (self::HEADER("Content-Type") == 'application/json'){ try{ $data = self::clean(\Phacil\Framework\Json::decode(file_get_contents('php://input'))); } catch (\Exception $e){ throw new \Phacil\Framework\Exception\UnexpectedValueException($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode()); } } else { $data = self::clean(file_get_contents('php://input')); } return (self::HEADER("Content-Type") == 'application/json') ? (($key) ? (isset($data[$key]) ? $data[$key] : null) : $data) : ($data ?: null); } /** * Return GET values from $_GET. * * @param string $key (Optional) If null return all values. * @param mixed $value (Optional) If not null, set the value for this key. * @return mixed * * @since 2.0.0 */ static public function GET($key = null, $value = null){ if ($value !== null) self::$_GET[$key] = $value; return $key ? (isset(self::$_GET[$key]) ? self::$_GET[$key] : null) : self::$_GET; } /** * Return REQUEST values from $_REQUEST. * * @param string $key (Optional) If null return all values. * @param mixed $value (Optional) If not null, set the value for this key. * @return mixed * * @since 2.0.0 */ static public function REQUEST($key = null, $value = null){ if ($value !== null) self::$_REQUEST[$key] = $value; return $key ? (isset(self::$_REQUEST[$key]) ? self::$_REQUEST[$key] : null) : self::$_REQUEST; } /** * Return FILES values from $_FILES. * * @param string $key (Optional) If null return all values. * @param mixed $value (Optional) If not null, set the value for this key. * @return mixed * * @since 2.0.0 */ static public function FILES($key = null, $value = null){ if ($value !== null) self::$_FILES[$key] = $value; return $key ? (isset(self::$_FILES[$key]) ? self::$_FILES[$key] : null) : self::$_FILES; } /** * Return COOKIE values from $_COOKIE. * * @param string $key (Optional) If null return all values. * @param mixed $value (Optional) If not null, set the value for this key. * @return mixed * * @since 2.0.0 */ static public function COOKIE($key = null, $value = null){ if ($value !== null) self::$_COOKIE[$key] = $value; return $key ? (isset(self::$_COOKIE[$key]) ? self::$_COOKIE[$key] : null) : self::$_COOKIE; } /** * Return SERVER values from $_SERVER. * * @param string $key (Optional) If null return all values. * @param mixed $value (Optional) If not null, set the value for this key. * @return mixed * * @since 2.0.0 */ static public function SERVER($key = null, $value = null){ if ($value !== null) self::$_SERVER[$key] = $value; return $key ? (isset(self::$_SERVER[$key]) ? self::$_SERVER[$key] : null) : self::$_SERVER; } /** * Return HEADERS values from getallheaders(). * * @param string $key (Optional) If null return all values. * @param mixed $value (Optional) If not null, set the value for this key. * @return mixed * * @since 2.0.0 */ static public function HEADER($key = null, $value = null){ if ($value !== null) self::$_HEADERS[$key] = $value; return $key ? (isset(self::$_HEADERS[$key]) ? self::$_HEADERS[$key] : null) : self::$_HEADERS; } /** * Return HTTP method from $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']. * * @return string|false|null * * @since 2.0.0 */ static public function METHOD(){ return self::$_METHOD; } /** * @return bool * @since 1.5.0 */ public function isPOST() { return $this->is('POST'); } /** * @return bool * @since 1.5.0 */ public function isGET() { return $this->is('GET'); } /** * @return bool * @since 1.5.0 */ public function isHEAD() { return $this->is('HEAD'); } /** * * @return bool * @since 1.5.0 */ public function isPUT() { return $this->is('PUT'); } /** * * @return bool * @since 1.5.0 */ public function isDELETE() { return $this->is('DELETE'); } /** * @return bool * @since 1.5.0 */ public function isCONNECT() { return $this->is('CONNECT') ; } /** * @return bool * @since 1.5.0 */ public function isOPTIONS() { return $this->is('OPTIONS') ; } /** * @return bool * @since 1.5.0 */ public function isTRACE() { return $this->is('TRACE'); } /** * @return bool * @since 1.5.0 */ public function isPATCH() { return $this->is('PATCH'); } /** * @param string $method * @return bool * @since 1.5.0 */ public function is($method){ return (self::$_METHOD == $method); } /** * * @param string $key (Optional) If null, return all data * @return mixed */ public function getPost($key = null){ return self::POST($key); } /** * * @param string $key (Optional) If null, return all data * @return mixed */ public function getParam($key = null){ return self::GET($key); } /** * * @param string $key (Optional) If null, return all data * @return mixed */ public function getCookie($key = null){ return self::COOKIE($key); } /** * * @param string $key (Optional) If null, return all data * @return mixed */ public function getInput($key = null){ return self::INPUT($key); } /** * * @param string $key (Optional) If null, return all data * @return mixed */ public function getRequest($key = null){ return self::REQUEST($key); } /** * * @param string $key (Optional) If null, return all data * @return mixed */ public function getFiles($key = null){ return self::FILES($key); } /** * * @param string $key (Optional) If null, return all data * @return mixed */ public function getServer($key = null){ return self::SERVER($key); } /** * * @param string $key (Optional) If null, return all data * @return mixed */ public function getHeader($key = null){ return self::HEADER($key); } /** * * @param string $key * @param mixed $value * @return $this */ public function setPostValue($key, $value){ self::$_POST[$key] = $value; return $this; } /** * * @param string $key * @param mixed $value * @return $this */ public function setParamValue($key, $value){ self::$_GET[$key] = $value; return $this; } /** * * @param string $key * @param mixed $value * @return $this */ public function setCookieValue($key, $value){ self::$_COOKIE[$key] = $value; return $this; } /** * * @param string $key * @param mixed $value * @return $this */ public function setRequestValue($key, $value){ self::$_REQUEST[$key] = $value; return $this; } /** * * @param string $key * @param mixed $value * @return $this */ public function setFilesValue($key, $value){ self::$_FILES[$key] = $value; return $this; } /** * * @param string $key * @param mixed $value * @return $this */ public function setHeaderValue($key, $value){ self::$_HEADERS[$key] = $value; return $this; } /** * Return the HTTP method used * @return string */ public function getMethod(){ return self::METHOD(); } }