<?php /* * Copyright © 2021 ExacTI Technology Solutions. All rights reserved. * GPLv3 General License. * https://exacti.com.br * Phacil PHP Framework - https://github.com/exacti/phacil-framework */ namespace Phacil\Framework; /** * The registration of all objects on this Framework. * * @since 0.0.1 * * @package Phacil\Framework */ final class Registry { const FACTORY_CLASS = 'Phacil\Framework\Factory'; /** * data Objects * @var array */ private $data = array(); /** * Instances objects * * @var array */ private $instances = []; /** * Original route for childs * @var string */ public $routeOrig; /** * * @var string */ public $route; /** * AutoInstances Loaded * * @var array */ static private $autoInstances = []; /** * AutoInstances Loaded * * @var array */ static private $preferences = []; /** * Magic method to return engine instances * * @param string $key * @return mixed */ public function __get($key) { return $this->get($key); } /** * @param string $key * @return mixed */ public function get($key) { return (isset($this->instances[$key]) ? $this->instances[$key] : $this->engine->checkRegistry($key)); } /** * @param string $key * @param mixed $value * @return void */ public function set($key, $value) { $this->instances[$key] = $value; } /** * @param string $key * @return bool */ public function has($key) { return isset($this->instances[$key]); } /** * UnSet * * Unsets registry value by key. * * @param string $key * @return void */ public function delete(string $key) { if (isset($this->instances[$key])) { unset($this->instances[$key]); } } /** * Try to obtain an iniciated engine instance * * @param string|object|null $class (optional) * @param array $args (optional) * * @return \Phacil\Framework\Registry * @since 2.0.0 */ static public function getInstance($class = null, $args = [], $onlyCheckInstances = false) { if(!$class) return \Phacil\Framework\startEngineExacTI::getRegistry(); $registry = \Phacil\Framework\startEngineExacTI::getRegistry(); $return = false; $classObj = (is_object($class)) ? get_class($class) : $class; if (isset(self::$autoInstances[($classObj)])) return self::$autoInstances[($classObj)]; foreach ($registry->instances as $key => $value) { if(!is_object($value)) continue; if(get_class($value) == $classObj) {$return = $value; break; } } if($return) return $return; if($onlyCheckInstances) return $return; if(is_string($class)) { $classCreate = self::checkPreference($class); $reflector = new ReflectionClass($classCreate); return self::setAutoInstance($reflector->newInstanceArgs($args), $class); } if (is_object($class)) { return self::getInstance($class); } return null; } /** * @param string $class * @param array $args * @return mixed * @throws \ReflectionException * @throws \Exception * @throws \Phacil\Framework\Exception */ public function create($class, $args = array()) { if(is_string($class)) { return $this->injectionClass($class, $args, true); /* $classCreate = self::checkPreference($class); $reflector = new ReflectionClass($classCreate); return self::setAutoInstance($reflector->newInstanceArgs($args), $class); */ } return null; } /** * Adds DI preferences from a JSON file. * * This method reads a JSON file containing preferences and merges them into the existing preferences array. * * @param string $jsonFilePath The path to the JSON file containing preferences. * @return void * @throws \Phacil\Framework\Exception If there is an error reading the JSON file or if the JSON data is invalid. */ static public function addPreference($jsonFilePath) { if (file_exists($jsonFilePath)) { $jsonData = file_get_contents($jsonFilePath); $dataArray = json_decode($jsonData, true); // Verifica se a conversão foi bem-sucedida if ($dataArray === null && json_last_error() !== JSON_ERROR_NONE) { // Se houver um erro na conversão, trata o erro $error = new \Phacil\Framework\Exception(json_last_error_msg()); return; } } if (isset($dataArray['preferences'])) self::$preferences = array_merge(self::$preferences, $dataArray['preferences']); } /** * Adds DI preferences from a JSON file. * * This method reads a JSON file containing preferences and merges them into the existing preferences array. * * @param string $jsonFilePath The path to the JSON file containing preferences. * @return void * @throws \Phacil\Framework\Exception If there is an error reading the JSON file or if the JSON data is invalid. */ static public function addPreferenceByRoute($route) { $routeArray = explode('/', $route); $directory = \Phacil\Framework\Config::DIR_APP_MODULAR() . self::case_insensitive_pattern($routeArray[0]) . '/etc/preferences.json'; $pattern = self::case_insensitive_pattern($routeArray[0]); $files = glob($directory . "*", GLOB_MARK); if(isset($files[0])) { $jsonFilePath = $files[0]; } else { return; } if (file_exists($jsonFilePath)) { self::addPreference($jsonFilePath); } } /** * Generate Glob case insensitive pattern * @param string $string * @return string */ static public function case_insensitive_pattern($string) { $pattern = ''; foreach (str_split($string) as $char) { if (ctype_alpha($char)) { // se o caractere é uma letra $pattern .= '[' . strtoupper($char) . strtolower($char) . ']'; // adiciona as duas variações de caixa } else { $pattern .= $char; // mantém o caractere original } } return $pattern; } /** * Checks if a preference has been set for the specified class and returns it if found. * * This method checks if a preference has been set for the specified class. If a preference * is found, it returns the class name defined as the preference; otherwise, it returns the * original class name. * * @param string $class The class name to check for a preference. * @return string The class name defined as the preference, if found; otherwise, the original class name. */ static public function checkPreference($class) { if(isset(self::$preferences[$class])) { return self::$preferences[$class]; } return $class; } /** * Sets an auto-instantiated object to be used as a dependency. * * This method allows you to set an object to be automatically instantiated and used as a dependency * when resolving other dependencies that require an instance of the specified class. * * @param object $class The object instance to be set as an auto-instantiated dependency. * @param string|null (Optional) $original The original class name of the object being set. * @return object The object instance that was set as an auto-instantiated dependency. * @throws \Phacil\Framework\Exception If the provided parameter is not an object. * @since 2.0.0 */ static public function setAutoInstance($class, $original = null) { if(!is_object($class)) throw new Exception('Object type is required!'); self::$autoInstances[$original ?: get_class($class)] = $class; return $class; } /** * * @param object $class * @return object * @since 2.0.0 * @throws \Phacil\Framework\Exception */ static public function getAutoInstance($class) { if (!is_object($class)) throw new Exception('Object type is required!'); return isset(self::$autoInstances[get_class($class)]) ? self::$autoInstances[get_class($class)] : self::setAutoInstance($class); } /** * Resolves and instantiates a class with optional constructor arguments and creation control. * * This method resolves a class by its name, instantiates it with optional constructor arguments, * and provides control over the creation process. * * @param string $class The fully qualified name of the class to instantiate. * @param array $args (Optional) Arguments for the class constructor. Default is an empty array. * If empty, constructor arguments will be automatically detected and injected. * @param bool $forceCreate (Optional) Whether to force creation. Default is false. * @return mixed * @throws \ReflectionException * @throws \Exception * @throws \Phacil\Framework\Exception */ public function injectionClass($class, $args = array(), $forceCreate = false, $factored = null) { $argsToInject = !empty($args) ? $args : false; $originalClass = $class; $class = self::checkPreference($class); $originalClass = $originalClass == $class ? null : $originalClass; $refClass = new ReflectionClass($class); try { if (!$forceCreate && $autoInstance = $this->getInstance($originalClass ?: $class, [], true)) return $autoInstance; if (!$refClass->getConstructor() && !$argsToInject) { if ($refClass->hasMethod('getInstance') && $refClass->getMethod('getInstance')->isStatic()) { return $refClass->getMethod('getInstance')->invoke(null); } return $refClass->newInstanceWithoutConstructor(); } } catch (\Exception $th) { //throw $th; Don't make anything and retry create } try { $rMethod = new ReflectionMethod($class, "__construct"); if (!$argsToInject) { $params = $rMethod->getParameters(); $argsToInject = []; foreach ($params as $param) { //$param is an instance of ReflectionParameter try { if (version_compare(phpversion(), "7.2.0", "<")) { if ($param->getClass()) { $injectionClass = $param->getClass()->name; if ($injectionClass === self::FACTORY_CLASS) { $declaringClass = $param->__toString(); $pattern = '/Parameter #\d+ \[ <required> ([^\s]+) \$\w+ \]/'; if (preg_match($pattern, $declaringClass, $matches)) { $classFactoryName = $matches[1]; if($classFactoryName !== $injectionClass){ $factoredRefClass = substr($classFactoryName, 0, -7); $argsToInject[$param->getPosition()] = ($this->getInstance($classFactoryName, [], true)) ? : self::setAutoInstance($this->create(self::FACTORY_CLASS, [$factoredRefClass]), $classFactoryName); continue; } } } if (class_exists($injectionClass)) { $argsToInject[$param->getPosition()] = $this->injectionClass($injectionClass); continue; } if (!$param->isOptional()) { throw new \Phacil\Framework\Exception\ReflectionException("Error Processing Request: " . $injectionClass . "not exist"); } } } else { if ($param->getType()) { $injectionClass = $param->getType()->getName(); if (class_exists($injectionClass)) { $argsToInject[$param->getPosition()] = $this->injectionClass($injectionClass); continue; } elseif (substr($injectionClass, -7) === "Factory") { // Create a factored instance $factoredRefClass = substr($injectionClass, 0, -7); $argsToInject[$param->getPosition()] = ($this->getInstance($injectionClass, [], true)) ?: self::setAutoInstance($this->create(self::FACTORY_CLASS, [$factoredRefClass]), $injectionClass); class_alias(self::FACTORY_CLASS, $injectionClass); continue; } if (!$param->isOptional()) { throw new \Phacil\Framework\Exception\ReflectionException("Error Processing Request: " . $injectionClass . "not exist"); } } } } catch (\ReflectionException $th) { throw new \Phacil\Framework\Exception\ReflectionException($th->getMessage(), $th->getCode(), $th); } catch (\Exception $th) { throw new \Phacil\Framework\Exception($th->getMessage()); } if ($param->isOptional() && $param->isDefaultValueAvailable()) { $argsToInject[] = $param->getDefaultValue(); continue; } if ($param->isOptional()) { $argsToInject[] = null; } } } } catch (\ReflectionException $th) { throw new \Phacil\Framework\Exception\ReflectionException($th->getMessage()); } catch (\Exception $th) { throw new \Phacil\Framework\Exception($th->getMessage()); } return self::setAutoInstance($refClass->newInstanceArgs($argsToInject), $originalClass); } }