* Copyright © 2021 ExacTI Technology Solutions. All rights reserved.
* GPLv3 General License.
* https://exacti.com.br
* Phacil PHP Framework - https://github.com/exacti/phacil-framework
namespace Phacil\Framework;
Controller child exception, Log, Response and Login
Action PHPDoc improvements, Controller child exception, Log new functions (getpath, getfilename, head and tail), log class check dir and creates if not exists, Response redirect improvement, Controller redirect function use the response redirect class, login interface documentation, login doc
4 years ago
* The principal log class for this framework
* @param string $filename (optional) The name of log file. The path is automatic defined in the DIR_LOGS constant in config file. Isn't not possible to change the path. The default name is error.log.
* @package Phacil\Framework
final class Log {
Controller child exception, Log, Response and Login
Action PHPDoc improvements, Controller child exception, Log new functions (getpath, getfilename, head and tail), log class check dir and creates if not exists, Response redirect improvement, Controller redirect function use the response redirect class, login interface documentation, login doc
4 years ago
* Storage the object of log file
* @var resource|false
Controller child exception, Log, Response and Login
Action PHPDoc improvements, Controller child exception, Log new functions (getpath, getfilename, head and tail), log class check dir and creates if not exists, Response redirect improvement, Controller redirect function use the response redirect class, login interface documentation, login doc
4 years ago
private $fileobj;
* Storage the filename
* @var string
private $filename;
Controller child exception, Log, Response and Login
Action PHPDoc improvements, Controller child exception, Log new functions (getpath, getfilename, head and tail), log class check dir and creates if not exists, Response redirect improvement, Controller redirect function use the response redirect class, login interface documentation, login doc
4 years ago
* Storage the path
* @var string
private $filepath;
Controller child exception, Log, Response and Login
Action PHPDoc improvements, Controller child exception, Log new functions (getpath, getfilename, head and tail), log class check dir and creates if not exists, Response redirect improvement, Controller redirect function use the response redirect class, login interface documentation, login doc
4 years ago
* @param string $filename (optional) The name of log file. The path is automatic defined in the DIR_LOGS constant in config file. Isn't not possible to change the path. The default name is error.log.
* @return void
PHP SESSION Prefix and IP check, engine constants and user_constants as a function for better memory usage, add SQLite 3 driver, new loader for aditional database method, new REST HTPP method check, updated template engines: Mustache 2.13, Smarty 3.1.34, Twig 1.42.5, Twig 2.12.5, add Twig 3 support to PHP 7.2+, define Dwoo template as deprecated, Caches and captcha bugfix in PHP 5.4.x
5 years ago
public function __construct($filename = "error.log") {
Controller child exception, Log, Response and Login
Action PHPDoc improvements, Controller child exception, Log new functions (getpath, getfilename, head and tail), log class check dir and creates if not exists, Response redirect improvement, Controller redirect function use the response redirect class, login interface documentation, login doc
4 years ago
$this->filename = $filename;
$this->filepath = DIR_LOGS . $filename;
$old = umask(0);
mkdir(DIR_LOGS, 0764, true);
trigger_error('The '.DIR_LOGS.' folder must to be writeable!', E_USER_ERROR);
$this->fileobj = fopen($this->filepath, 'a+');
Controller child exception, Log, Response and Login
Action PHPDoc improvements, Controller child exception, Log new functions (getpath, getfilename, head and tail), log class check dir and creates if not exists, Response redirect improvement, Controller redirect function use the response redirect class, login interface documentation, login doc
4 years ago
Controller child exception, Log, Response and Login
Action PHPDoc improvements, Controller child exception, Log new functions (getpath, getfilename, head and tail), log class check dir and creates if not exists, Response redirect improvement, Controller redirect function use the response redirect class, login interface documentation, login doc
4 years ago
* Write the error message in the log file
* @param string $message
Controller child exception, Log, Response and Login
Action PHPDoc improvements, Controller child exception, Log new functions (getpath, getfilename, head and tail), log class check dir and creates if not exists, Response redirect improvement, Controller redirect function use the response redirect class, login interface documentation, login doc
4 years ago
* @return int|false
* @since 1.0.0
public function write($message) {
Controller child exception, Log, Response and Login
Action PHPDoc improvements, Controller child exception, Log new functions (getpath, getfilename, head and tail), log class check dir and creates if not exists, Response redirect improvement, Controller redirect function use the response redirect class, login interface documentation, login doc
4 years ago
return fwrite($this->fileobj, date('Y-m-d G:i:s') . ' - ' . print_r($message, true)." | ".$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . PHP_EOL);
Controller child exception, Log, Response and Login
Action PHPDoc improvements, Controller child exception, Log new functions (getpath, getfilename, head and tail), log class check dir and creates if not exists, Response redirect improvement, Controller redirect function use the response redirect class, login interface documentation, login doc
4 years ago
* Remove object from memory
* @since 1.0.0
* @return void
public function __destruct() {
Controller child exception, Log, Response and Login
Action PHPDoc improvements, Controller child exception, Log new functions (getpath, getfilename, head and tail), log class check dir and creates if not exists, Response redirect improvement, Controller redirect function use the response redirect class, login interface documentation, login doc
4 years ago
* Return the log file name
* @since 2.0.0
* @return string
public function getFileName()
return $this->filename;
* Return the log file path
* @since 2.0.0
* @return string
public function getFilePath()
return $this->filepath;
* Return last lines of log archive
* @param string|null $filepath (optional) Path of file. Default is the log file.
* @param int $lines (optional) Lines to be readed. Default value is 10.
* @param bool $adaptive (optional) Default value is true.
* @return false|string
* @since 2.0.0
public function tail($filepath = null, int $lines = 10, bool $adaptive = true)
// Open file
$f = @fopen(($filepath ?: $this->filepath), "rb");
if ($f === false) return false;
// Sets buffer size
if (!$adaptive)
$buffer = 4096;
$buffer = ($lines < 2 ? 64 : ( $ lines < 10 ? 512 : 4096 ) ) ;
// Jump to last character
fseek($f, -1, SEEK_END);
// Read it and adjust line number if necessary
// (Otherwise the result would be wrong if file doesn't end with a blank line)
if (fread($f, 1) != "\n") $lines -= 1;
// Start reading
$output = '';
$chunk = '';
// While we would like more
while (ftell($f) > 0 & & $lines >= 0) {
// Figure out how far back we should jump
$seek = min(ftell($f), $buffer);
// Do the jump (backwards, relative to where we are)
fseek($f, -$seek, SEEK_CUR);
// Read a chunk and prepend it to our output
$output = ($chunk = fread($f, $seek)) . $output;
// Jump back to where we started reading
fseek($f, -mb_strlen($chunk, '8bit'), SEEK_CUR);
// Decrease our line counter
$lines -= substr_count($chunk, "\n");
// While we have too many lines
// (Because of buffer size we might have read too many)
while ($lines++ < 0 ) {
// Find first newline and remove all text before that
$output = substr($output, strpos($output, "\n") + 1);
// Close file and return
return trim($output);
* Return first lines of log archive
* @param string|null $filepath (optional) Path of file. Default is the log file.
* @param int $lines (optional) Lines to be readed. Default value is 10.
* @param bool $adaptive (optional) Default value is true.
* @return false|string
* @since 2.0.0
public function head($filepath = null, int $lines = 10, bool $adaptive = true)
// Open file
$f = @fopen(($filepath ?: $this->filepath), "rb");
if ($f === false) return false;
// Sets buffer size
/* if (!$adaptive)
$buffer = 4096;
$buffer = ($lines < 2 ? 64 : ( $ lines < 10 ? 512 : 4096 ) ) ; * /
// Start reading
$output = '';
while (($line = fgets($f)) !== false) {
if (feof($f)) break;
if ($lines-- == 0) break;
$output .= $line . "";
// Close file and return
return trim($output);