final class DB {
private $driver;
private $cachePrefix = "SQL_";
public function __construct($driver, $hostname, $username, $password, $database) {
if (file_exists(DIR_DATABASE .'database/'. $driver . '.php')) {
require_once(DIR_DATABASE .'database/'. $driver . '.php');
} else {
exit('Error: Could not load database file ' . $driver . '!');
$this->driver = new $driver($hostname, $username, $password, $database);
public function query($sql, $cacheUse = true) {
if(defined('SQL_CACHE') & & SQL_CACHE == true & & $cacheUse == true) {
return $this->Cache($sql);
} else {
return $this->driver->query($sql);
public function escape($value) {
return $this->driver->escape($value);
public function countAffected() {
return $this->driver->countAffected();
public function getLastId() {
return $this->driver->getLastId();
public function pagination($sql, $pageNum_exibe = 1, $maxRows_exibe = 10, $cache = true, $sqlTotal = null){
if (($pageNum_exibe >= 1)) {
$pageNum_exibe = $pageNum_exibe-1;
$startRow_exibe = $pageNum_exibe * $maxRows_exibe;
$query_exibe = $sql;
$query_limit_exibe = sprintf("%s LIMIT %d, %d", $query_exibe, $startRow_exibe, $maxRows_exibe);
$exibe = $this->query($query_limit_exibe, $cache);
$re = '/^(SELECT \*)/i';
$all_exibe_query = ($sqlTotal != null) ? $sqlTotal : ((preg_match($re, $query_exibe)) ? preg_replace($re, "SELECT COUNT(*) as __TOTALdeREG_DB_Pagination", $query_exibe) : $query_exibe);
$all_exibe = $this->query($all_exibe_query, $cache);
$totalRows_exibe = (isset($all_exibe->row['__TOTALdeREG_DB_Pagination'])) ? $all_exibe->row['__TOTALdeREG_DB_Pagination'] : $all_exibe->num_rows;
if($totalRows_exibe < = 0){
$all_exibe_query = $query_exibe;
$all_exibe = $this->query($all_exibe_query, $cache);
$totalRows_exibe = (isset($all_exibe->row['__TOTALdeREG_DB_Pagination'])) ? $all_exibe->row['__TOTALdeREG_DB_Pagination'] : $all_exibe->num_rows;
$totalPages_exibe = ceil($totalRows_exibe/$maxRows_exibe);
$exibe->totalPages_exibe = $totalPages_exibe;
$exibe->totalRows_exibe = $totalRows_exibe;
$exibe->pageNum_exibe = $pageNum_exibe+1;
return $exibe;
private function Cache($sql) {
if(class_exists('Caches')) {
$cache = new Caches();
if (stripos($sql, "select") !== false) {
if($cache->check($this->cachePrefix.md5($sql))) {
return $cache->get($this->cachePrefix.md5($sql));
} else {
$cache->set($this->cachePrefix.md5($sql), $this->driver->query($sql));
return $this->driver->query($sql);
} else {
return $this->driver->query($sql);
} else {
return $this->driver->query($sql);
PHP SESSION Prefix and IP check, engine constants and user_constants as a function for better memory usage, add SQLite 3 driver, new loader for aditional database method, new REST HTPP method check, updated template engines: Mustache 2.13, Smarty 3.1.34, Twig 1.42.5, Twig 2.12.5, add Twig 3 support to PHP 7.2+, define Dwoo template as deprecated, Caches and captcha bugfix in PHP 5.4.x
5 years ago
public function createSubBase($nome, $object) {
$this->$nome = $object;